This keyword, therefore, has a search Phone Number List volume of between 1 and 10 million searchers: 100k-1 million This keyword is between 100,000 and 1 million It is therefore possible that 'marktplaats' has a search volume has that is only Phone Number List 100 higher than 'sleuths'. For example, 'marktplaats' has a search volume of 1,000,001 and 'searchers' 999,901. Well. You can also encounter these reach values ​​with a paid campaign. And the Adwords keyword planner API no longer passes on everything blindly. For  Phone Number List example, users of various SEO tools report that the keyword volumes no longer work properly.

But even without Phone Number List tools, there is a method to see 'sort of' the search volumes: you can go a long way with the help of 'impressions'. See the bonus tip 1 at the bottom of this article. Problem 2: Many plural and Phone Number List singular keywords no longer have search volume at all. Between June and August 2016, plural and singular forms were even doubled. You can see this transition period nicely in the x-rays Phone Number List of keywords in our tool. On the left the x-ray of the keyword 'SEO tools' and on the right the word 'SEO tool' (singular): difference data example SEO tool.

SEO Effect X-ray in SEO Phone Number List Effect with the strange values ​​that Google provided us last summer. Before the 'update' (green) these 2 words had the following search volumes: seo tools= 590 search volume monthly average seo tool = 260 search volume monthly average The sum is 850 During the transition period (blue) Phone Number List between June and August: seo tools= 880 search volume monthly average seo tool = 880 search volume monthly average The sum is 1760! Of course this is not right! In this interim Phone Number List period, an article appeared on Twinkle by Jochem Warnaar and Jeroen Deuze that explained this phenomenon in great detail.